What if I do not have my 10 Breaths Bracelet with me?
Not everyone can wear a Breathe 10 Breaths Bracelet all the time, but that doesn’t mean you’re without support. Whether it’s a Breathe Palm Buddy, a Handbag Charm, or simply the power of your own breath, there are always ways to find calm in the moment.
In this post, I share how mindful breathing—whether guided by healing stones or practiced on its own—can help ground you, ease emotions, and bring a sense of peace, no matter where you are.
You are never alone—your breath is always with you. 💫✨
GUEST BLOG - A guest blog post by Kirsty Neal-Duffill, a Fibromyalgia sufferer and all round warrior!!!
Guest blogger, Kirsty @spooniekirsty tells us about her life with Fibromyalgia, CFS and Anxiety. Breathe designed a 10 Breaths Bracelet specially with Kirsty in mind, using specific healing semi precious stones, to not only gift to Kirsty, but to bring awareness to this invisible, misunderstood and often over looked over illness that affects so many people today.